The Bounty of New Birth—See What Comes with Our New Book!

Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy, Third EditionHave you already purchased your copy of our newly published third edition of Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy?

Then just use the QR code inside the front cover of your book to start frolicking in the videos and PDFs that complete the full bounty of your new book.

Oh, no! Don’t have the third edition yet? Here’s yet another reason to buy yours now: The book is not all you’ll get!

When you purchase the third edition, you will gain access to a vast trove of exclusive online resources that we have designed to accompany this new edition. We like to think of these materials as the bounty the comes with every new birth—of babies and books. For this book, these are all the things that didn’t fit in those 336 pages but that will help to make your work with this wonderful population even better.

These online resources include:

  • thirty technique videos, offering you visual guidance for some of the many ways of working with pregnant, laboring and postpartum people that we explain fully in the book.
  • fifty PDFs presenting a deeper examination of some of the most pressing issues around caring for your maternity clients and taking care of yourself for a long, satisfying career in therapeutic massage and bodywork.
  • templates of forms that you can use with your clients and with their healthcare providers, as well as additional business advice, client experiences and practice wisdom from other seasoned maternity massage therapists.
  • our recommendations about everything from using essential oils to which educational resources you should have in your office, all to kickstart your work with prenatal clients, and establish a conducive environment to best help them.
  • and so much more!

Click here to learn more and purchase the third edition.

See below for a sneak peek at these online resources – a small sample of what you’ll find when you buy the book.

Supplemental Resources: 3rd Edition